Freeths new partnership with the ICM

ICM_CP_RGBI am pleased to announce that Freeth Cartwright has been appointed as the corporate legal partner to the Institute of Credit Management after working with the ICM for the last two years providing legal training to its members.

As part of the partnership we will be running a free legal helpline to all members which provides 30 minutes free telephone advice on any legal issues faced in the course of their business.  This covers not just advice on debt and asset recovery but on anything from property matters, contracts, intellectual property and employment issues.

Members can access the helpline by calling 0845 077 9698 or completing the contact form on the ICM website.

In addition we will be taking part in the ICM masterclasses across the country, hosting the annual legal conference in November and will have a regular column “Legal Matters” in the monthly CM magazine.

For further information please contact me

Emma Emery H&S small - use this versionEmma Emery

Senior Associate

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